The perfect summer day takes three types of waves, and standing where you are, wearing your finest summer sweat Glisten, only have the heat kind. Sure, sound waves might be tickling your ear drums from the fax machine that still, exists? And yes, the waters might get wavy after Bart, the neighborhood cannonball empties the pool. But this is the last summer of 2016, EVER, and you can do better. Enter Marquette into your mind. With back-to-back music festivals in the middle of July, there’s no better city to pitch your tent. Add in a couple hundred miles of mountain bike trails, 73 miles of Superior beaches nearby, and views unlike anywhere else in the midwest, making Marquette the perfect place to get your waves on. Forestville Music Festival It turns out, music and great beer pair pretty well. Forestville Music Festival hosted by Blackrock’s Brewery is a one-night festival takes place at the Forestville Trailhead, a gateway to adventure in itself. This year, attendees can expect more beer, more bands, and the same happy crowd. Eight breweries will be pouring, including three of Marquette County’s finest, all to a backdrop of highly danceable music. Lineup and tickets here: Forestville Gates Open: 12 p.m. Saturday, July 16th Forestville Basin Trail Marquette, MI 49855 Hiawatha Traditional Music Festival The Hiawatha Music Traditional Festival has been drawing music lovers to the Upper Peninsula for nearly 40 years. Organized by the Hiawatha Music Co-op, this gathering has acted as an essential summer event for several generations of UP residents and visitors. Three nights of camping alongside festival veterans howling over banjos until the wee hours of the morning and the youngsters beside them dancing in the firelight. On stage, performers draw from a variety of forms of traditional music including bluegrass, Celtic, gospel, and blues. Lineup and tickets here: Hiawatha Traditional Music Festival Gates Open: July 22nd through 24th Tourist Park Campground 2145 Sugar Loaf Ave. Marquette, MI 49855 Four Tips You Won’t Want to Forget: 1. Buy your tickets to both festivals ASAP: Are you interested in sitting alone in the woods and listening to the faint sounds of music from across the river while all of your friends are dancing together and having a good time? Us neither. Don’t wait for tickets to sell out. 2. Pack an instrument: Wander into the woods at either festival, and it won’t be long until you hear music. Jam sessions pop up late into the night. Rumor has it that some Hiawatha festival-goers never even make it to the stage. Don’t be afraid to pack an instrument and hop in the mix. 3. Volunteer: These festivals, like most others, would not be possible without the efforts of the hundreds of volunteers that help to keep them running smoothly. Any commitment over the weekend may initially seem like a chore. However, personal experience supports the notion that volunteering alongside other people who are interested in spending three nights celebrating good music in the woods is guaranteed to be a positive experience. The fact that you will receive cash back for most of your ticket price is also a plus. 4. Bring extra Beer: It tastes better under the stars.